Tuesday, February 27, 2007


We went on a hike on Iron Mountain on Sunday, with a group from Shadow Mountain's upperroom. I love these kinds of trips and the reason links right along with emily's peaches.
This is the same reason I really love working at the zoo. I get to honestly see how beautiful the things God made are, up close. How intricate, how delecate and unique. I love to just admire and be in awe as to the things our Lord created. To be so close and spend time admiring and praising God for his beautiful things just makes my world great.
Here is one of the cool things I get to work with at the zoo.
It is a Gray crowned crane. They are from africa and about 4.5 feet tall, they are the only crane that can perch in a tree and it looks like they have porcupine quills sticking outta the top of their head.
This is fun, sharing my animals. Maybe I wil make this a regular addition to my blog.

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