Wednesday, May 16, 2007


As most of you know Brian's hair color is not currently the color that grows out of his scalp. I often bug him about changing it back to his natural color. Now this would be interesting except there is a bit of fear in me as to whether I will still like how he looks with brown hair. I Want to give it a chance. I have bugged him more recently about it and I think he is actually considering it. So today on my day off I fiddled with a new techy tool, thanks to said Boy. and I want your opinion.
Below you will find 2 pictures. One with the current style, and one as a result of my very bad editing skills (not the best but it will do).
I want you to vote, leave a comment and tell me, what color is better for Brian. This should be fun!
this is how he looks now.

this is how he COULD look in the future. Hopefully if he does grow it out it won't look so much like chocolate pudding.
Please VOTE.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have to say I am partial to the Billy Idol this is tough! With brown hair he is more likely to be mistaken for William Shatner. Maybe brown is the way to go...

A-ron said...

Ahh, but what if it were chocolate pudding? Now that would be interesting...

I actually have pictures of him with his natural colored hair, but you'll find out soon enough what that looks like.

Anonymous said...

Kathy and I both think that blond hair looks best - he has the right coloring for it.
