Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I told you so...

..is something I have been hearing a lot of latley.

When I first got the news that I was leaving for Chula Vista, many were sad, many happy and many offered up their prophesy as to wh I was moving.

This said guess mostly came from the ladies. Yes, it was claimed that God was sending me here to find someone, not just to open a store. I kinda laughed and shrugged it off, thinking whatever.
Well I have been here over 2 months now and times have been good and bad. But ever since I found a great church group it has only gotten better.
Met new friends, have a place and people to worship with and pray with/for, and really finally for the fist time in a while have a social life.
Well because of this said church, I have found more than a friend it seems, and may have made many of you right. In the past week or so when I have been sharing with people this has happened to come up and often I hear, "See, I knew God sent you down there for a reason."

I am excited and very happy. ( and tired in a good way) I think I have spent like 6-10 hours with him everyday if not in person, over the phone. It is awesome to have someone in which you are totally relaxed around and also find yourself being totally open and honest about everything.
So Yes, you told me so, now I am gonna enjoy it the best I can, wii and all!

and if you want details I would be glad to dish next time we talk. hee hee


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hurray for R-4!! WE love you and miss you....glad that things are looking a bit better.