Thursday, April 12, 2007

You've been PINKED!!

This is a missions fundraiser my church group from San Diego was doing. The way it worked was you could pay $25 to have 25 flamingos put into an unsuspecting friends lawn/office, etc. Well this event has gone on for a couple of weeks and been pretty funny to see the results. well it ended today. So Me being the best girlfriend I could and also supporting my friends and the spreading of the gospel, I PINKED BRIAN.
Here is his house with a few unexpected guests over for bible study.

Now he knows a little of what it s like to be around Flamingos. He thought he was safe. Obviously he underestimated the power of a red head.


Unknown said...

that is awesome. XD

Anonymous said...

I never realized how much flamingos can brighten up a place. Nice work.