Wednesday, September 12, 2007

haa haa, what a dork am I

Ok I was sitting here watching 2001: space odyssey for the fist time and it begins with the so called dawn of man.
This has about 15 men pretending to be chimpanzees in the middle of arid mountains and there are like pig animals walking all around them supposedly habitating in the same desert like area. of course I start racking my brain as to exactly what they were.

Babarusa? nope too tall and snout is too thick
wild hog? no not hairy enough
Peccari? no again
Finally it hit me
They have 12 Bairds Tapirs wandering the land with them.
This is so stupid. These animals are heavy vegitation eaters and live in the dense jungles of Central America.
Why would they be thriving out in the desert?

This movie has lost any kind of good movie credibility with me right from the first scene

As I watch I hate the whole precedence of evolution even more. I just keep seeing stupidity after more stupidity.


Jourdan said...

I'll take your word on it and not waste my time watching it... :P

Anonymous said...

The beginning of that movie is soooooooo boring, I just stopped watching. I like your views on evolution. -Kyle