Thursday, October 07, 2010


I know it does not go with Yoda's philosophy but that is another blog.

I know my last blog was rather depressing, so I figured I should at least make myself feel a little better. I also am going to try and be a little more current with my postings. I figured with November being national blog post month, or as Brian pointed out NaBloPoMo, that getting in the habit now may lead to a more successful time then.

Things are good. I am almost done with my ornithology course, one chapter left. The best part about that besides my time being freed up, is that I get my $300 back, that I spent to do it. I am feeling good about the course because only 1 other girl at work and I are at this point. We have even passed up the person that started the same course 3 years ago.

Just as I mention the idea of time being freed up I should bring up the re emergence of activities that went dormant for the summer. our young marrieds bible study group began meeting again, as well as my ladies bible study that meets thursday mornings. I enjoy both but they definitely will take some schedule adjusting.
Our Married study got moved to Brian and my date night. We have been better at being regular with date night and this is a commitment we hope to keep for the rest of our marriage. It has been great having a committed night in which to enjoy being datey with each other, not being errand filled or complicated by tasks and such. We will just have to adjust to our new night, which we already did this week.
My ladies study also has a new twist in that I am part of the leadership team this year. I am enjoying it and totally see how God can and is using me in this position. He is also using it to keep me from procrastinating and stay organized which is a new challenge for me. I am doing really well so far. I just have to pray I can keep up with it truly the whole year through. This leadership part has changed Brian and I's morning time together on thursdays, one of our only mornings together, but I think we will be just fine.
We are getting ready for one of best times of year for Brian and I . Halloween. We really like to have cool costume set ups. I love to put them together and modify pieces to make it cooler. I love getting the cool costume compliments. I just like feeling super cool on Halloween and I love that my husband likes it too. We like to be pairs or couples and so far have tried to stay with the red head girl theme. Here are some past hits.

Our first halloween together!
Jack Skellington and Sally
Nightmare before Christmas
See, even zero our trusty ghost dog floated ahead of us as we wandered the neighborhood.
2008 was the emergence of
Peter and Lois Griffin
The Family Guy
I love Brian's Chin, it worked out pretty well.

The Riddler and Poison Ivy
villans from the Batman series

The best part about this one is with a few updates it has become Brian's proudly worn Comic con outfit.

So I am super excited for Halloween this year. I am getting all my bits and pieces together and hopefully will get to make it as cool as I dream for the grand evening. Any ideas as to who we are gonna be?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to regular life.

God has blessed my and Brian and I am truly thankful but boy life gets crazy. We have had some great opportunities come up and they all seemed to cluster together.
During all these opportunities life got super crazy. I just finished a super crazy few weeks and am glad to be back to my calmer style of normal. But through the busy the last month or so I learned some major things about myself, or at least saw them more vividly.

1. I am not a good home maker. I get exhausted and don't have a routine at all for getting things done at home so instead I avoid it and let it pile up. Then, I really want to avoid it and, yeah that does not help. I find myself feeling horrible about how my home is and then feeling like I am trapped in a downward spiral of mess. then only when we have a visitor coming do I panic and get it all cleaned up or hidden, only to pile up again. This hits me hard because I need to be able to take care of my home and family. I want to be the wife that can do it all, keep up with my house, and make healthy tasty food for my family, but I am a total failure. People say "Just wait till you have kids, you won't get anything done." I hear this and feel totally lame because that is already my problem, and we do not have kids yet. Maybe I need to hire a housekeeper for my own sanity but at the same time I am too frugal to do so.

2. I have a hard time saying no or missing out on a social activity. I have the social gene. I want to be involved i want to be included and I want to be at any little even or activity that I can possibly squeeze into my schedule. Most people don't have my schedule so most social events are not ideal for my life of getting up early or working on the weekends but that is the life I have so I still try hard to go to as many things as I can. I have had this problem since college and have not gotten a grasp of it. I put my life needs often on hold to be social which kinda leads to some of the above situations. Brian knows I need to be social but this is not one of his needs so he will go wherever I want for the most part. We talk about setting time limits but don't follow through. We talk about what we should and should not do but often still end up super busy. I even fit in my own crazy activities in the time Brian is not around which includes working out, a bible memory challenge with a friend and helping lead a bible study as well as doing an extra Bird course at home. Oh wow this is like an addiction for me I guess.

3. I don't sleep enough. I get up at 5am and pretty much go go go and get home at 7pm and then dinner like 8 or 9 and bed like 11. Most keepers are in bed by 8:30 or 9. Thus I am ridiculous in my attempted sleeping patterns in terms of my career choice, which is a pretty physically exhausting job. I recover a little on my weekend but I am fully and totally exhausted and can't hardly make it home from work on tuesday (my friday) awake, thankfully I carpool and don't drive those days. And some days of the week we are out till about 10 which does not even allow for idle rest time. It is not a problem of I have difficulty sleeping because pretty much if I sit still and rest my head on something I will be asleep in less than 5 minutes. This happens in meetings, while reading and also even in the movie theaters. I have tried to set a go to bed reminder alarm but I don't follow it and I have a hard time wanting to go to bed alone. Brian gets up 3 hours after me and is not tired when I am. He is still up doing things when I should go to bed so I often will want to be with him, since we don't have much time together as it is. This often means I am falling asleep on the couch or floor in the living room. Only to be aroused at 2 am to move to the bed when Brian is ready to sleep. I think if I got more sleep I would be a little more productive and things overall would be better because my body would be functioning at a healthier rest level.

I am not writing this to rant or complain. I am mostly writing to get my thoughts out and maybe start to see my issues and deal with them. To hopefully make some progress and adjust my needs via a good hard try and lots of prayer and reliance on God and His strength, obviously I have failed on my own. I will try and update and progress or new wins or failures to just keep the info going. I hope that normal life in the future for me would be a little less crazy.
I also figured I had not written in a super long time so here is a post. I will try and be more consistent but we will see.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The one I love

I love you Brian!
I guess I am just feeling mushy lately. All the events in our life recently have made me truly fall more for my husband and feel blessed. Yes he is a Geek, and boy can he be stubborn or cocky in public. But I have realized how special it is when we are alone. My real husband shows up. The one who laughs so hard at tiny jokes he can't stop and almost cries. The one who will put on a white button up shirt just to make me feel special. The one I can have intelligent conversations with and then play wii right after. The one who I can ask any question about the bible or faith subjects and he can spurt it out with great knowledge and depth as well as some specific scripture to go with it, it floors me and excites me every time. The one who makes me feel like and amazingly beautiful woman even when I am sure the mirror won't agree. And he is always up for a good snuggle, whether it is with me or the cat or both, which is pretty regular.
I love him and love being his helper. Being the one God made to fit with him and his specific needs. I love all the quirky things that make us the Bennetts.
We have had an awesome couple weeks and he has been an awesome partner in it all. whether it is house work. my homework or our fabulous nights together like the globetrotters and our home done valentines.
I know we are still considered newly weds and really have not had great struggles and strifes but we have also done a lot of hard work to get there.
Among all this I have also been reminded in almost every aspect of my life how great it was all the preparation we have done in our marriage. We both worked on ourselves with God before we even met. Then we got engaged we did our pre marital counseling. We also did a study during our first year of marriage called "love and Respect" and wow did we learn some awesome things that we use and bring up often. Then our financial study with Crown Financial. And now we are in a new couples bible study. I love the time we spend together doing these things but I also love when we can see how awesome our learning together has been and how strong we are as a couple.
I don't know if this is even a coherent blog but I just needed to gush a little and this seemed like an okay place to do so.
I know God made Brian special and had great plans for him even before he made the Earth. I am so thankful that God made me to fit into that plan. To share in the adventure. Thank you God.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We have become one...

I guess we are at least seeming that way to those around us. This morning I was discussing work events with Brian and a common thread emerged.
I was telling him how everyone at work (the zoo) refer to me as the computer whiz mostly because of my husbands knowledge and ability and the bit that has rubbed off on me.
Turns out that at his Job, (the computer geek central) he has been labeled as the animal info guy.
It is interesting at how on both sides we have been seen as having the skills of our spouse. I guess we are rubbing off on each other more than we realized.
I honestly get a little chuckle out of the whole situation. I also am thankful that I am not married to a sewage technician, since that is not nearly as cool to share info about with those around you.