Monday, September 04, 2006

And Away we go...

Well off I go to my big change and move down to the deep south of California. It is a big change for me to totally leave my support of family and friends but, I am excited for the new adventure that God is sending me on.
I just have a few last minuite things then my final road trip, for a while down to Chula Vista, will be at hand.
I am glad I have made some awesome friends and in a way extended my family here in orange county and will defenetly miss them, especially since they made my fairwell so memorable. Well I'm off to start the adventure and will keep you all posted.


Emily said...

Hurray! Rhonda is a blogger! :) It was good to see you today, even if it was just for as long as it took you to drive through the intersection. I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Yay! So now your brothers can be spared from being pestered each Sunday morning and Thursday night for news of their San Diegan sister.

Zoogirl said...

yeah, even if you did bug them they probobly would have no idea. We will see how blog savy I can get right now I really just have posting ability.