Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Rest, what is Rest?

Here is a glimps of our "authentic" team, and the grand introduction, Susan, Diana, Karrie, and Me. This is actually our completion of an assignment from Bearquarters. Oh, and for those that don't know 235 is what number my store is in the company. Just as a refrence Fashion Island was 33, a big change. We had a great time today with meetings and Ice cream, as well as being honked at several times as we tried to get our picture taken.

Besides the fun, my whole body feels tired and dried out right now and I have an interview at 4pm today. I just arrived in Long Beach from Chula Vista about 20 min ago. Well, I have to sleep for an hour before I head to LA. I have not been to the zoo in a while so it will be a refreshing visit minus my interview. I need an attutude adjustment about the whole thing though. Pray for me if you can. Thanks!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'll be praying for you about the zoo thing. Your work excitement is making me want to flip to the end of the Rhonda story and see how it all turns out. :) Just it hasn't been written down yet...